David Roden
Buy tickets

Sat 25 Feb

10:30 - 12:00

De Brakke Grond

20 / 17,50

David Roden teaches Philosophy at the Open University His published work has addressed the relationship between deconstruction and analytic philosophy, philosophical naturalism, the metaphysics of sound and posthumanism. His book Posthuman Life: Philosophy at the Edge of the Human (Routledge 2014) considers the metaphysical, epistemological and ethical implications of the existence of posthumans: powerful nonhuman agents produced by human-instigated technological processes. The Noise of the Future (lecture) Our posthuman predicament is real enough, but can only be formulated in empty terms. Consequently, there can be no posthuman ethics, only an aesthetics of uncontrolled, noisy futures. These will be explored through aesthetic models – including the ‘weird’ fiction of China Miéville and Jeff Vandermeer, noise music and practices of body modification. Each model will be used to give determination to the idea of a technologically transformative encounter at the edge of the human.
Participating in Session 4: Cracking the Contemporary

Sat 25 Feb

10:30 - 12:00

De Brakke Grond

20 / 17,50

Philosophy and art have the power to unsettle and to reveal new openings. They can create cracks in the present, through which new things may appear — the unforeseen, a glimpse of a future to come — forcing the existent understanding of the world and ourselves out of perspective. New concepts may challenge the present crisis and ask us to think differently, for instance, by reconsidering the relations between humanity, nature and culture. What is the political potency of nature in more-than-human terms? Do we live in posthuman times? How do the new materialisms contribute to these explorations?
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