Pinar Yoldas
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Wed 1 Feb - Sun 26 Feb

Arti et Amicitiae


Pinar Yoldas is an infradisciplinary designer, artist and researcher currently based in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Her work develops within biological sciences and digital technologies through architectural installations, kinetic sculpture, sound, video and drawing with a focus on post-humanism, eco-nihilism, anthropocene and feminist technoscience. She holds a Ph.D. from Duke University and is a recipient of the Guggenheim Fellowship in the Arts. Yoldas presents two works at Sonic Acts, The Kitty AI, Artificial Intelligence for Governance (2016) and Designer Babies (2013-16). Both are restaged in a unique set-up especially for Sonic Acts. The Kitty AI, Artificial Intelligence for Governance (2016) It is the year 2039. An artificial intelligence with the affective capacity of a kitten who can love up to 3 million people at the same time, becomes a first non-human governor. While living inside the mobile devices of her citizens, she leads a politician-free zone, where she reflects on the effects of climate change and how this has caused the city to change. In searching for new ways of urban living, she encourages co-existence between different species. Designer Babies (2013-16) Designer Babies is a room-size installation that explores genetic modification and the future it could produce. A designer baby’s genetic makeup has been selected to eradicate defects, or ensure that a particular gene is present. The subject of genetic modification — which occurs on a wide scale in the food industry, for example, but less so in human beings — is ethically complicated and sparks both curiosity and fear: what used to be science fiction is now a possibility. #SpeculativeBiologies #syntheticBiology #breastimplants #turboCapitalism #pelagicPlastics #endocrineDisruptors #onlineDating #habitatLoss #serotoninUptakeInhibitors #connectome #highfructoseCornSyrup #CO2emissions #bigData #smallWorld #anti-aging #oilSpill #airPollution #nanoMedicine #bio-accumulation #NASDAQ #reimplementationGeneticDiagnosis #deforestation #carnaphallologocentrism #soilDepletion #climateChange #piratebay #ozonelayerdepletion #collagenInjections #oceanAcidification #cocaColaLight #eco-nihilism #post-humanism #darkEcology #co-evolution #cancerImmunotherapy #technosphere #transfat #intracellularSingleUnit Recording #nationalSecurityAgency #levonorgestrel #oxytocin
Designer Babies (2013-16), Pinar Yoldas. Photo by Pieter Kers
Participating in #SpeculativeBiologies

Sun 26 Feb

10:30 - 12:00

De Brakke Grond

20 / 17,50

#syntheticBiology #breastimplants #turboCapitalism #pelagicPlastics #endocrineDisruptors #onlineDating #habitatLoss #serotoninUptakeInhibitors #connectome #highfructoseCornSyrup #CO2emissions #bigData #smallWorld #anti-aging #oilSpill #airPollution #nanoMedicine #bio-accumulation #NASDAQ #reimplementationGeneticDiagnosis #deforestation #carnaphallologocentrism #soilDepletion #climateChange #piratebay #ozonelayerdepletion #collagenInjections #oceanAcidification #cocaColaLight #eco-nihilism #post-humanism #darkEcology #co-evolution #cancerImmunotherapy #technosphere #transfat #intracellularSingleUnit Recording #nationalSecurityAgency #levonorgestrel #oxytocin
The Noise of Being Exhibition

Wed 1 Feb - Sun 26 Feb

Arti et Amicitiae


The Noise of Being exhibition speculates on the strange and anxious state of being human. Works by five international artists – Justin Bennett, Zach Blas, Kate Cooper, Joey Holder and Pinar Yoldas.
Workshop by Pinar Yoldas

Thu 23 Feb

10:00 - 18:00



The full-day workshop is open to a maximum of 12 participants with an open heart and a critical mind.
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